We built a Flutter Industry-First Learning Experience

We built a Flutter Industry-First Learning Experience

We built an interactive course that teaches you Flutter by building apps.

Launch Week - Day 1

The holidays are a time for relaxing and reflecting, but Robert and I did not have that luxury this year.

Of course, this was by choice because, on December 2nd, we decided to go full-time on building our dream. This past month has been brutal with 10-14 hour work days almost every single day, including the holidays. But most of it is due to sheer excitement; the result is that we built something that has never been done before.

We are capping off this grind with a Launch Week, where we announce something new every day of the week.

Today is the first day. This article is the first announcement.

But before we get to today’s announcement, I want to give a little background on why we both went full-time and have been going so hard. If you don’t care, skip ahead to the announcement video below.

We both started working with Flutter in 2018, and I remember the absolute pain of learning Flutter when there weren’t many resources. Some things, like state management and the widget tree, took me wayyy too long to understand. I went through a few courses, but watching hours and hours of videos just didn’t let these topics click for me.

The courses have gotten better, and the content has gotten better, but you still can’t really trust that it’s up to date or that it’s of good quality. Looking back at our own videos, you can still learn a lot from them, but whether it’s null safety or the new button naming, the videos, and the demo code are not up to date. And I was brand new to making videos, so the quality was mid at best.

This is the initial reason we built a course: to have a fully up-to-date Flutter resource that takes you on a step-by-step path to building production-ready apps.

We built the platform never to be outdated, and by adding bits and pieces of interactivity and optimizing for fun, we had an excellent course.

We also built a feedback system so the course can improve over time.

The main feedback we received was more examples and more quizzes. This could have been an easy update. But this feedback had us go back to the beginning. How do people actually learn? How did we learn when we started? Is it with video or written content? Maybe, but the most significant learning comes from actually building things.

If we want to live up to the name of The Best Flutter Course, it needs to get people building apps.

So now it’s my immense joy and privilege to announce the next fully restructured version of The Best Flutter Course.

Let me walk you through what actually happens now when you join the course.

As soon as you sign in and start the lessons, you get your very own Flutter instance running on the server. To make this happen was a massive rabbit hole of learning about technologies like docker and Kubernetes. So, as you are taking the course, you are connected to this Flutter application that runs the code you write directly in the course.

As you write the code, there is a linter to check that your code compiles. If you make a mistake, it tells you where and what to fix.

If you want to test your changes, you can trigger a hot restart, and your Flutter app will be updated.

In each lesson, we teach the topic, and at the bottom of every coding lesson, you have an assignment to accomplish for this lesson to be marked as complete.

When you click the complete button, your code compiles and gets formatted for you, and then we run tests behind the scenes to ensure you completed the assignment correctly.

Remember, when it comes to learning, you learn the most by building, failing, retrying, and finally succeeding. If something is wrong, we will tell you why and give hints to guide you in the right direction.

And if you really get stuck, you can always click the “Show Solution” button to check the solution code. But that should be a last resort.

Then, when you click complete, you get a nice Flutter-themed celebration, and the “Next” Button in the top right turns green, ready to go to the next challenge. Your progress is also tracked in the beautiful drop-down menu.

Right now, there are over 20+ apps that you will build going through this course and two major projects, including a UI clone of X (formerly known as Twitter) and a todo app that follows the MVVM architecture with ValueNotifiers and handles app state.

Not all the lessons are coding lessons because while the building is essential, I have seen so many people “build” apps using no-code tools or just copy-pasting and not understanding what their app is actually doing.

So, we also focus on understanding Flutter from a deep level and how it works under the hood, including the Widget Tree, BuildContext, the Box Constraint Model, and more. We still want to ensure these theory-based lessons are understood, which is done using quizzes.

The course has over 110+ quiz questions. So, by the end of the course, you will have a deep understanding of everything you need to build production-ready apps and have even written dozens of apps already.

I know you can probably tell from this whole video, but I’m so excited to finally put this out there. Robert and I have staked our careers and put our all into making this The Best Flutter Course, and I just know this course will change lives.

The craziest part is that this is just month 1 of our journey. We have so much more planned, that’s why the course is discounted right now.

And there are still four more days of announcements, including something free tomorrow, so sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss it.

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