This is my approach to state management in Flutter
How and why I dropped using third party state management dependencies
I quit my job to work on Hungrimind
Tadas is taking 6 months to work on Hungrimind full-time and build a fun and profitable business.
Why We Don't Use Flutter Web
Flutter Web is great for web apps, but when it comes to building websites, it's not the right tool.
Announcing Hungrimind 1.0
Hungrimind is an online community that helps you build products through courses and expert guidance.
Write Like a Pro with Astro and Obsidian
Use Obsidian with your Astro project for the cleanest online writing and publishing experience.
Mastering State Management in Flutter
Learn to build a state management solution with ValueNotifier and InheritedNotifier.
Mastering Apple Pay in Flutter
Make money from your Flutter applications by using Apple Pay.
How to Build a React Typescript NPM Package
Building a modern npm package with React, Typescript, Tailwind, and tsup.
The Technical Decisions of Hungrimind
How Hungrimind, an interactive platform, was built.
The Ugly Part of Slivers
Learn the underlying concept of Slivers and when you should use them.