Launch Day 5 - Hungrimind LLC

Launch Day 5 - Hungrimind LLC

We are now officially full-time and a real company.

Launch Week - Day 5

Today is about us. We’ve been hiding something since December 2nd.

  • On November 1st, Tadas went full-time on Hungrimind.
  • On December 2nd, Robert went full-time on Hungrimind.

So, for the past 1 and a half months, we have staked our careers and futures on this company we are building together.

It’s scary, but at the same time, it’s unbelievable how much we have gotten done this month and a half. We shipped a brand new experience that is something never before seen. A month and a half ago, I didn’t think this was even possible from a technical standpoint.

  • We learned Docker & Kubernetes
  • Built a scalable solution server infrastructure
  • Redesigned the UI to support this new case
  • Set up a more robust progress tracker
  • Simplified systems to make updating the course easier
  • Added a free demo
  • Updated our landing page

As of January, we are legally a fully established company: Hungrimind LLC.

There’s been a lot of struggle and nonstop stress since we went full-time, but it’s finally starting to pay off.

We are building something that will change people’s lives, and maybe we can build something that pays the bills.

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