A new beginning

Adding stories to hungrimind.com

Written by


Tadas Petra

I enjoy watching devlogs, and I find them valuable because you get to learn along with the person building. You get to really see the day in and day out problems and how they solve it.

So now hungrimind has stories.

Hungrimind has been around for over a year now, and I wish we started writing stories earlier, and look back at all the things we learned.

The best time to start would have been then, but the second best time is now.

Currently there are 3 big projects at hungrimind.


This is the main hub. It is a community of people building projects, where Robert and I share our learning, what we are working on, and help others do the same.

I’m honestly quite proud of the site we have built. It looks and feels professional.

landing page




This is the package running the full course experience. It’s an interactive way to learn, with code and a preview at each stage.

Course Kit

Project “editor”

It doesn’t have a name yet, and the repo has been called “editor” until now. The goal with this is to bring the full experience we have at hungrimind and allow others to use it. It is a markdown based CMS editor where you can craft your courses.

The purpose of the editor is to make the courses easy to edit, so that they are never outdated and can be constantly improved.

Going Forward

All these are ongoing developments, that we will now be sharing the progress more publicly. You can follow along by signing up to the newsletter, and receiving updates in your email, or you can book mark the page.

Visit the projects:


